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Connecting at Work

In Tweet me, message me, like me: using social media to facilitate pedagogical change within an emerging community of practice Goodyear, V. A., Casey, A., & Kirk, D. 2014) the authors use social media as a platform for teachers to communicate about their work. The beginning of the article introduces that only five of the seven teachers connect with the researcher on social media. Reading this article got me thinking, what is "normal" or "acceptable" when it comes to connecting with colleagues on social media?  I generally exclude LinkedIn from these discussions, since the purpose of LinkedIn is professional networking (for more reasons why you might consider a LinkedIn page read my blog post on 7 reasons why it should be). 

A quick Google search will show you that people are pretty split on their opinions. This article from Forbes gives a pretty unbiased view, and one can think of pros and cons: connecting allows you to build relationships and use social media platforms in all the ways we have been using them so far in this course, cons being that coworkers are getting a glimpse into your private life (photos, family, personal views & beliefs); ultimately you'll have to decide for yourself which platform, if any feel appropriate to connect with colleagues on.  

With all the opportunity to connect through social platforms, it is becoming a little more challenging to think about how to keep work and personal life separate though. Even now, I'm starting to lose track. I've started new accounts just for this course, other platforms I didn't even have before, but now I have a mix of work emails, school emails, and personal emails all tied to accounts. I'm not sure what I'll keep and which will stay professional vs. personal. Throughout all of this I have recognized that I can't keep it quite as separated as I had previously done, there will need to be more integration, but I'm not sure what that will look like just yet.


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